Saturday 4 March 2017


you are looking at the sun that is 8 min past sun

you are looking at the screen of your mobile that means the photons emitted from your mobile hits the receptors in the eye that makes you to see this the same way if you are looking at the sun the photons emitted by the sun has to reach your eyes.
But the speed of light is 30,00,00,000 m/s (approx)so it takes 8 min to travel from sun to your eye but actually what sun looks at the time you see sun is different so every time the sun  which you see is the sun that is 8 min before sun.suppose if i remove sun still you can see the sun upto 8 min. And the reason is simple because it takes  8 min to reach light from the sun to the that means you are looking into the past .

 concept is how far you look into the space that much back you are looking into the time. As the same way sun you look is 8 min older the stars that are present will we so many light years far from the same concept is applied here the stars that you look at night is about years back star.

proxima star which is 4 light years from earth

the proxima star you see is 4 years past 

coming to the stars proxima centaur is the star that is very close to our earth which is 4 light year away from us. so the star that you see is 4 years before don't even know that even that star might be collapsed at that time but you can see the star still by the help of speed of light have a limit we can look into the past as far as you look that much past you can see.There are even some thousand years ago stars that we can able to see by seeing more far into the this limit in speed of light helps in finding the past of the universe.

Wednesday 3 August 2016

10 best youtube channels to learn physics & technology



Everyday a lot of videos are uploading in youtube and millions of people are watching every hour ........
Here are some the best youtube channels that will help you to learn @physics and Technology

And these dosen't follows any order or ranking in the top 10


Minute physics is the one of the best physics channel in the youtube.It makes the videos in a very creative way by drawing on a paper.and due to its short length in the videos and easy and fast explanation.It comes with very complex topic and explains in understanding way


Sixty symbols the videos from this channel comes from the University of Nottingham.These videos are explained by the professors of their university.And these are explained in a very different manner and it just look like a conversation between the camera man and the professor.


Sci show channel explains the very interesting problerm's and the questions that we have in our daily life that which are related to the body or everyday science.


 Make is a electronic magazine which is very popular.and this channel is from that popular magazine.It teaches the very basics of the electronics and the most interesting about this channel is it is popular for its DIY'S(do it yourself).It comes with very interesting projects and explains it in very easy way.And it also posts the videos from the maker's fare.


 It is one of my favorite channel in the youtube.especially the videos from the james Q&A are very interesting and wonderful.He gives the explanation the questions that are posted.


 If you wanted to know the stuff around your earth,quantum einstien theory of relativity,quantum theory,gravitational lenzing,space time,speed of light.................and all these complex wonderful and mind bending theories are explained in this channel.And this channel runs the contest related to the physics and should be answered in the comments.


 Veritasum is a science channel by derek muller.This is the best physics channel and he explains everything clear and at the end of the video you will be astonished by his explanation(if you dosen't know it before).my first video from this channel is 'how a transistor work' and its wonderful


 SCIENCE CHANNEL is also a tv channel by discovery .The good thing about this channel is that the videos from this channel comprises of the good's inside a atm,projector,vacum cleaner etc .. explains the videos by graphics .And also some shots of the popular myth bustures.

 PHYSICS VIDEOS BY EugeneKhutoryansky

 This channel explains about the how every theory or the mathematical formules works practically (eg:integral,diff) and how electronic components works.
This is the best channel to learn the theory in very conceptual way.And there is a video reagarding the maxwells equations which almost explains everything about the maxwells equations practically.But due to the slow explanation you might get bored.


Probably it will be the best channel.It dosen't mostly concentrates on the physics but this channel is very useful for physics students it comprises of all kinds of stuff related to biology,science.And the best part of this channel is the solving the riddle videos.

And there are many more channels in the youtube so if you suggest any of the other channels post a comment below let everyone know.


Saturday 16 July 2016

Pokemon go pikachu you should thank Einstein

As we know that the Pokemon go is creating warm around the world ....
And everyone is searching for the pikachuuu

  • The basic principle of how the game works is on the GPRS location but what Einstein had made to this game..

Einstein general theory of relativity makes all these locations possible .
We know that the satellite locate our position but they move at very high speed  at which earth rotates by using normal formula of time and distance there will be lot of errors at measuring distances his theory states that the a fast moving clock is slower than the stationary clock so that there will be change in the time between the satellites (basically three satellites are used to find the position ) so that the time between them changes so by the formula
Distance=speed×time here time is different so there is a large error in the distance
If we doesn't have his theory then we could have an distance error of 2 km
Today we are using Einstein theory of relativity formula
So that you could not find your pikkachu in the correct position or at the correct place ..

So thank you sir for your wonderful theory